Bradford TV Commercials
We've been around for 90 years. Here's a selection of our favourite TV commercials from the archive, and our most recent spots, for your enjoyment.
Don't be trapped in a home that feels like an oven - get an Odyssey! (2015)
An energy efficient Odyssey system completely replaces the air in your home 4-5 times an hour with cool fresh evening air from outside, and costs as little as $35 a year to run.
More information? See Odyssey
SoundScreen™ Acoustic Insulation - TV Commercial August 2014 - 30 secs (2014)
Bradford SoundScreen™ Acoustic Insulation can help localise noise and limit disruption to adjoining rooms.
More rel="noopener noreferrer" information? See Bradford SoundScreen
SoundScreen™ Acoustic Insulation - TV Commercial August 2014 - 15 secs (2014)
Bradford SoundScreen™ Acoustic Insulation can help localise noise and limit disruption rel="noopener noreferrer" to adjoining rooms.
More information? See Bradford SoundScreen
Optimo Underfloor Insulation TV Spot - 30 secs (2014)
Make yourself comfortable, Australia.
CSR Bradford's Optimo is the highest rated underfloor insulation for suspended timber floors, keeping homes warmer rel="noopener noreferrer" and reducing energy costs through winter.
More information? See Bradford Optimo
Optimo Underfloor Insulation TV Spot - 15 secs (2014)
Make yourself comfortable, Australia.
CSR Bradford's Optimo is the highest rated underfloor insulation for suspended timber rel="noopener noreferrer" floors, keeping homes warmer and reducing energy costs through winter.
More information? See Bradford Optimo
Install Bradford Insulation and you'll enjoy year-round comfort & save around $300 a year (1992)
George is in the ceiling measuring for insulation while his wife and her friend are having a cup of tea... but all is not going to plan. This classic TV commercial aired in 1992.
Bradford Gold Batts keep you warm in winter & cool in summer (1998)
In the first of a series, this short television commercial starring Australian icon Garry Who promotes the cleverness of insulation - keeping you warm in winter and cool in summer.
Garry Who just loves Bradford Gold Batts (1998)
Garry Who "just loves the little buggers" - Bradford Gold Batts for saving you money on your energy bills every year. From a series of TV commercials which aired in 1998.
There's Bradford Insulation specialists. And then there's cowboys... (1998)
Garry Who shows the difference between an insured, qualified insulation specialist and the other guys in this TV Commercial from around 1998.
Bradford Gold Batts keep you warm in winter & cool in summer (1998)
In the first of a series, this short television commercial starring Australian icon Garry Who promotes the cleverness of insulation - keeping you warm in winter and cool in summer.
Bradford Batts are the only insulation products endorsed by the Allergy Research Foundation (1998)
Airing in 1998, Garry Who pointed out that Bradford Gold Batts were the only insulation products endorsed by the Allergy Research Foundation.
Bradford Gold Batts are used by 4 of the top 5 Australian home builders (1998)
Garry Who in the fourth of the series of TV commercials which aired in 1998.
Buy Bradford Gold Batts insulation & get more than you bargain for (1996)
Airing around 1996, this TV commercial starred the hilarious Umbilical Brothers and advertised a promotion offering an upgrade of insulation R Value.
You'd be nuts not to use Bradford Gold Batts (1991)
One of our classic TV ads, this first aired in 1991 and featured a cute little squirrel. Enjoy your creature comforts all year round.